Managing OUR projeCts
Project Success
At JNCIS, we plan and control the performance of projects from inception to closure to cover cost, scope, and time.
✓Ensuring compliance with contract terms and conditions.
✓practicing effective communication and control.
✓Managing contract changes, accounting, invoicing and payments.
✓Managing government property as needed. Resolving claims and disputes effectively and
✓Performing contract closeouts per customer needs.
Contract understanding, technical & staffing requirements, risk assessment, key staketholders and initial project plan.
During the longest phase, PMs control and monitor necessary activities and resources. Processes are undertaken to ensure the our projects process as planned.
Requirements baseline, Work Breakdown, Financial breakdown, staffing requirements, schedule baseline, contract baseline, subcontract baseline, facilities, IT support, security, material procurement, Authority stakeholder
matrix, configuration change control, risk management, action planning, kick-off meetings, and PM plan.
Devliverables acceptance and revision all contract requirements have been met. Contract close-out, subcontract close-out, finance close-out, deliverables close-out, staff close-out, lessons learned, security close-out.
We incorporate other Project management methodology variations as needed such as:
Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, eXtreme Programming, Adaptive project Framework,
Lean, Critical Path, Critical Chain, New Product Introduction, Package Enabled Engineering,
Outcome Mapping, Six Sigma, PMBOK, PRINCE2 and Rapid Application Development.